Tuesday, January 13, 2009


One very important, and often overlooked aspect of training is mental preparation. The importance of mental visualization, or seeing yourself be successful, was popularized in the early '90s and has been an important part of sports, and everyday life since. Before you go to sleep, visualize yourself being successful, whether it be giving a presentation, confronting a co-worker, or participating in a race. Be sure to paint a mental picture of yourself, how you are feeling both mentally and physically, and most importantly, you being successful. Visualize your surroundings, and get a sense of what distractions/temporary roadblocks could come up and how you will handle them. Do this repetitively over the course of the weeks before your event, and you will be successful.
Often times when I'm running on a treadmill or spinning I use this technique to push through hard sets. I visualize the top of the hill, the finish line, or my competitor. This always helps me push myself to another level and successfully get through the set.

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