Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ironman Consumption

With about 1 month away from Ironman Wisconsin, it seems that my mind has been overtaken by thoughts of Ironman - nervousness, anxiety, excitement, and a little relief that I will get a break from training once the race is over. I even have dreams about oversized salt tablets the size of hockey pucks.

So, I've got two weeks of training left, and 2 weeks of taper. This week I have a small taper for my 1/2 Ironman on Sunday which I will essentially treat as a long training day. Next weekend I intend to head up to Wisconsin to do two loops around the bike course to get a "feel" of the course. The bike is going to be challenging and technical with consistent rolling hills throughout the course.

Hopefully after next weekend I will feel a little more relaxed and ready for the race - I just don't have that feeling right now.