Monday, February 16, 2009

Garmin 405

For Valentine's Day my wife got me a Garmin 405 - a GPS enabled tool for tracking distance, pace, speed, calories burned and heart rate. The Garmin also allows you to wirelessly upload your workouts to either an online or desktop based application to analyze your workouts - in other words, it enables me to 'nerd out' and evaluate my training zones and workouts and see my progress over a certain amount of time, as well as tweak my training plan accordingly. It also has a 'virtual training partner' that allows you to set a certain pace, and it will tell you how far you are ahead or behind that pace. Another feature is to create biking and running routes and upload them to your Garmin. I plan on getting an attachment for my bike that will track my cadence and speed. Oh, you can also use it as a watch :). Anyone have a Garmin? What are your thoughts about it? How do you like it?

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