Monday, February 23, 2009

ACSM Certification class

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to an American College of Sports Medicine class to review information for the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer exam. It was a 3 day class that focused on physiology, fitness tests, and program prescriptions for resistance, flexibility, and cardiovascular training. I really enjoyed the class and got a lot out of it. Being in the fitness industry for the past few months I could easily relate to the majority of the information, and how it applied to training my triathlon athletes. The big difference is the ACSM training is pretty conservative and is geared toward people who are starting with a small level of fitness, whereas my triathlon training is geared toward people with a much higher level of fitness, and looking to improve in both speed and fitness so the training programs are much more aggressive and intense. I now have to schedule the test and start studying. Anyone ever taken the ACSM test? Any helpful hints would be appreciated.

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