Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ironman Race Strategy

I'm about 2.5 weeks out from my Ironman, so I think it's about time to think about race strategy.  I could go a few different routes here.  One option is to go as hard and fast as I can from the start, but I'm pretty sure that is not going to bode well for me and I'll end up getting a ride to shore from one of the nice people on the jet skis due to exhaustion.

The name of this game is patience.  The swim is going to be a warm-up for the bike, the bike is used for hydration and food for the run, the first 20 miles of the run is saving the legs for the real race, the last 10K of the Ironman.

Let's get into a little more detail here.

Swim - the plan for the swim is to start off easy.  When I say "easy", I mean a little more effort than casual.   Once I re-enter the water for the second loop I plan on a slight increase of effort, but still very comfortable.  After all, the swim is just a warm-up.  I'm pretty confident most of the 1st lap will be a human washing machine so it's important to stay cool and calm and let it play out.  The rest of the swim will be about finding some feet and coasting to T1.

Bike - A lot of people will be so excited to be out of the water they will start off on the bike with too much effort and pedal mash the initial part of the course.  I, on the other end, will start the bike in upper Z2 zone and focus on a smooth, relaxed cadence, nutrition, and hydration.  Those pedal mashers will fall apart on the 2nd loop and/or on the run.  My plan for nutrition is a PowerBar every other hour(1,3,5) and 'Sustained Energy' drink every other hour(2,4,6).  This comes out to about 250-300 calories per hour.  Hydration will be intermixed with water and Gatorade with drinking every 15 minutes.  This will also depend on the course conditions.  On the 2nd loop, based on how I'm feeling, I intend to pick up the effort and negative split the 2nd loop.

Run - The run is going to be about putting one foot in front of the other for 26.2 miles.  Nothing fancy or complicated here.  I'll eat what I feel like eating and drink water/Gatorade at each aid station.  I imagine toward the end of the race I'll be taking in flat Coke and put every ounce of effort I have to crossing that finish line.

Keep in mind this is merely a plan and there are many things that are simply out of my control on race day.  I will control the things I can, and not worry about the things I can't.  I may follow the plan to a T, or I may have to throw it out the window.  Hopefully it's not the latter.

1 comment:

Maria Simone (maslife) said...

I'm assuming you are doing CDA? Good luck!

This sounds like a solid strategy - I like your approach of staying calm. You are absolutely right about the pedal mashers and the first loop. If they don't crash and burn on the second loop, they certainly will on the run.

Enjoy the day - looking forward to seeing how it goes :)