Sunday, May 9, 2010

Change Equation

During a discussion with my business coach last week he presented me with an equation he often uses with business owners, and those clients that are stuck in a proverbial rut.  The formula allows you to quantify, and justify making a conscious decision to make a change or choice in your life and it applies directly to beginning or rejuvenating your fitness.

(D x V) + F > R

OK, so what does this mean?  Let's break it down a little bit

D = Dissatisfaction (quantify your level of dissatisfaction with an element in your life)
V = Vision (quantify your vision for how you want your aforementioned element in your life)
F = First step - quantify how well you know what that first step is
R = Resistance - quantify how resistant you are for change

Let's do a practical example and pertain it to fitness:

Dissatisfaction with current weight - 50
Vision of ideal body weight - 50
Confidence in what the first step is - 50
Resistance to making a change - 100

(50x50) + 50 > 100
2550 > 100 - you are clearly ready to make that change!

I encourage you to try this for parts of your life you aren't completely satisfied with, or with a decision you are dreading making.  Having some sort of subjectivity helps with the decision and creates a logical quantification of the factors in play.

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