Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting Started

Getting started in any new endeavor is a challenge because we just don't know how to start, where to start, and what we need to do to get going, whether you're writing a novel, starting a business, or beginning a new workout program.

We often dive into something with a lot of vigor and excitement but that fire burns out within 3-4 weeks once the 'honeymoom' is over.  We come across hurdles, challenges, and the realization of the amount of work it's going to take and begin to have doubts on the likelihood of our success.  Below are some things that will increase your chances of reaching success.

Set Goals - Goals are the pathway to your success.  Set the 'big picture' goals and then milestone goals, and then smaller goals to reach the milestones.   Keep your goals realistic, but set the bar high enough where it's a challenge.  Post these goals on your bathroom mirror and read them every day to keep your focus.

Find a Mentor/Coach - It is so helpful to have someone who has been down the road you want to go to give insight on the path of least resistance and tips and tricks of the trade.  You may have to pay for services, but realize that it is an investment, not an expense.

Enlist Support from Family/Friends - If your support system is behind you and gives you that needed encouragement it will give you that needed boost to make your dream a reality.  Make sure you keep them in the loop of your progress and get them involved.  Someone who has vested interest in your goal is more likley to hold you accountable.

Have a Plan - the reason only 10% succeed is because they have a plan.  A plan helps clear up the unknown and sets you on a path with outlined expectations.  The plan will hold you accountable and is aligned with your goals to keep you in sync with your pre-determined timeline.

Prioritize - the reality of life is there are many things to juggle.  How important is your goal in comparison to other things in your life?  Family takes priority, but what about a night out with the guys vs working on your dream?  These are not easy choices to make, but getting past the instant gratification of a night out and staying in and working on your dream will pay dividends in the future.

If you want your fitness dream to come to fruition and become a reality, contact me.  I will give you the what, where, and the how to reach your goal.

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