Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Improve Your Run

One thing I've always struggled with has been my run, and one of the most common questions I get is, how do I improve my run. There are a number of things we can address, but here I'll look at a few of the most common things we can implement right away.

- Improve your stride - let's say runner X has a stride length of 3.5 feet, and runner Y has a stride length of 3.0 feet, assuming all other things equal, guess who will get to the finish line 1st - Runner X.

- Run more - the more you run, the better and more efficient you will be. There is no magic in this formula, but you should proceed with caution, too much too fast will leave you very susceptible to injury. A rule of thumb is to increase distance 10% from the previous week and limit the speed work to little to none initially.

- Find your weakness - on a typical run focus on your legs and lungs. Which gets fatigue the fastest? If it is your legs, you'll need to focus on developing nueromuscular strength, if it is your lungs, you need to focus on developing your endurance.

For more information on the above, and training plans, contact me at mgetting@efitnessperformance.com

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