Thursday, July 9, 2009

Looking Ahead

Now that Hy-Vee is in the books it's time to re-focus training on the longer distance 'A' race - Ironman Wisconsin. Essentially, this means I will spend a lot more time on the bike. My goal over the next 4 weeks is to get comfortable riding 80 miles, with hills, at a pace of 19-20 mph. This will be accomplished with some long rides of 4+ hours on the weekends, 3 straight days of RAGBRAI in 2 weeks, and speed work of 1.5 hour rides during the week.

My other focus is the run - I will continue to build on the base that I already have and include longer runs on the weekend, and include interval, track, and speed work during the week. The goal here is to be able to comfortably run 16 miles at an 8:45 pace in the next 4 weeks.

The swim will remain the same, but adding some yardage to accommodate the longer distances of upcoming races. In reality, you don't spend much time in the water compared to the other disciplines in the water, so training should reflect that. I will also focus on speed, drills, and technique within the overall yardage.Thanks for reading

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