Monday, October 20, 2008

Children and Obesity

One of the biggest epidemics in America that continues to get worse is our youth and obesity. Studies are showing that the number of children overweight and obese is growing at an alarming rate and continues to get worse. Some of the causes include schools cutting back on physical education due to budget constraints, increasing popularity of video and computer games, and the foods kids are eating these days. I think the responsibility lies with the parents. Kids will emulate what kids do - if you eat well, they will eat well. Keep the fridge stocked with fruits, veggies and whole foods and stop buying processed foods, high calorie juices, and pop. Be a role model by being active - go for walks, go to the park, or join recreational clubs. If your children see you being active, and enjoy being active, they will want to join in the fun. Limit video game time and get creative with activities to keep your children active and healthy. what are your thoughts? how do you keep your kids active?

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